You are a 24 year old woman living in New York City fresh out of college. You had a great college career, graduating from Stanford with a degree in journalism. You've managed to find a cozy small apartment close to your job at a newspaper agency in town. You wake up, ready to take on the day. There is a big meeting at work today, and you are required to give a small presentation. You're nervous, so you want to look your best. You put on a simple pencil skirt and blouse. The skirt hits a little above the knee, but it's nothing inappropriate for a workspace. Ready for the day, you head out the door. [[Leave apartment->Provocative option]] You're feeling good in the skirt. You make your way out of the apartment and onto the street. You haven't walked a block when a construction worker yells out at you. "Hey baby! That skirt might look a little better on my bedroom floor!" Your face flushes with embarrassment. What do you do? [[Keep walking.->Silence option]] [[Yell at him.->Yell option]]You shrug off his comments and continue walking. "Baby, don't be like that!" he yells after you. You suddenly feel a presence following you. Why is he following you? What does he want? You walk at a faster pace in an attempt to get away, acting as aloof as you can. "You're lucky someone even is interested in you. You should be happy." "Please leave me alone." you mutter as you walk quickly to your subway station. Luckily, he slows down and you lose him. Thank goodness, you were thinking about calling the police. [[Get on the subway->Subway option]]You build up your courage and begin yelling at the construction worker. "How dare you? This is called sexual harassment and I am not afraid to report you." Shocked, the construction worker responds. "Learn how to take a compliment." He goes on to call you demeaning names. You sigh in frustration and make your way onto the subway. [[Get onto the subway->Subway option]]The subway is surprisingly empty, so you find a nice secluded seat and put on your headphones to listen to the latest episode of your favorite podcast. Suddenly, a tall man comes onto the nearly empty subway and sits right next to you. You're mildly annoyed, but you shrug it off. He has the right to sit anywhere he wants you suppose. After a few minutes, he moves his legs so they're invading you seat space. This causes you to be further annoyed. A few more minutes pass, and suddenly he turns and tries to make some sort of conversation. "Where are you headed?" You clearly have your headphones in and have your body angled away from him, but this guy is apparently oblivious to body language. You tentatively pull out a headphone. "It's not really any of your business." "Come on, don't be like that." He says as he puts his hand on your knee. This makes you extremely uncomfortable. The subway slows to a stop. What do you do? [[Get off the subway. This isn't your stop, but you need to get away from this guy.->Get off option]] [[Push his hand away and tell him to leave you alone->Push hand away option]] "I have to go." You stammer as you get off of the subway. You step off onto the platform as the train pulls away. You were just so flustered, you didn't think ahead of what you were going to do when you got off. You think the best option is to just wait for the next train. It'll put you mildly behind schedule, but you should be able to make it to the meeting on time nonetheless. This train is much more crowded, but you find a small place to stand and hold on the the handrail above. As the train begins to move, you feel a hand brush against your back. You think nothing of it, it's a crowded car, but it happens again. You shut your eyes and suffer through it. You've had enough humiliation for today. Luckily the train slows down at your stop and you hurry off to the office. [[Go to the office.->Office]]You shove his hand off of you as the subway starts back up again. "Will you please leave me alone?" "Why don't you just give me a chance?" "No thank you." you repeat. "But I'm a nice guy!" Thankfully, this is your stop. "Nice guys don't typically call themselves nice guys." you assert as you turn to leave the subway station and make your way to the office. [[Go to the office.->Office]]You arrive at the office, thankful that the nightmare of a commute is over at last. You make your way to the conference room with an audience that is predominantly male. This is nothing new, so you make your way to the front of the room to begin your presentation. You're feeling confident as you speak in front of the group. However, a few minutes into the presentation, one of the men cut you off mid sentence. "How do you plan on accomplishing that?" "Well-" you begin. "I would personally go a different direction." He interrupts again. You're frustrated at this point, because if he would give you a chance to explain yourself, you could clear this up quite easily. What do you do? [[Interrupt him and explain yourself->Interrupt option]] [[Let him finish. Then maybe you can get a word in.->Silence 2 option]]"Actually, if you would just let me finish..." You begin to say until another man speaks up. "Maybe if you would quit being so bossy we'd trust you with things like this more." There is no winning this round. You are outnumbered. You sigh and keep you mouth shut and let the men hash out the issue. Finally the meeting comes to an end. Disappointed, you make your way out out of the conference room. [[Leave the conference room.->Friends option.]]You sit back and let the man finish. You're sure you'll have a moment to explain yourself soon enough. Finally there is a break in the conversation. "Well actually, I-" You are immediately cut off by another man in the room. You resign yourself and say very little for the remainder of the meeting. Dissappointed, you leave the conference room. [[Leave the conference room.->Friends option.]]As you make your way out of the conference room, a coworker of yours approaches you. "Hey! A couple of us are getting together for some drinks. Would you like to come?" she asks. It's been a long day and you're quite exhausted, but maybe some fun is just what you need. What do you do? [[Go out and have a good time.->Drinks option]] [[Decline the offer.->Home option]]Having a drink may give you a chance to unwind after such a long day. "Yeah, that sounds like fun!" you tell your coworker. You all get in a taxi and go to your favorite bar. It's gotten dark out, but at least your with your friends. As soon as you enter the bar, you've realized you've made a terrible mistake. As you look around, you realize how many guys are lurking around drunk girls, waiting for them to be intoxicated enough to take advantage of them. You think back at your friend who was sexually assaulted at a bar a few months ago. No one supported her because "it was her decision to drink and wear a short skirt". You are terrified at being in that position, so you stick to the doorway and settle with a glass of water. This is not what you had in mind at all. After awhile, you dial 911 into your phone and hover your thumb over the call button on the whole walk home. Safe in your apartment at last. Let's hope that tomorrow you'll manage to stay as safe as you did today. [[Start Over->Beginning]]You politely decline your friend's offer. It's already been such a terrible day, you think it's best to just head home. This subway trip is much less chaotic luckily. You spot a man staring at you for at least three stops, but luckily he stays at a distance. Safe in your apartment at last. Let's hope that tomorrow you'll manage to stay as safe as you did today. [[Start Over->Beginning]]